Co-sponsored by Green Neighbors DC, co-hosted by Annette and Max, both GNDC members, we have an unusual event for you.  Ever wondered what cashew cheese tastes like?  How do vegan cheeses and ‘meats’ compare?  How about, then, a Vegan Tasting Party and Potluck in the backyard? While a band plays on the front porch for Porchfest?

How is this green?  Non-organic food production and food waste are among the top five causes of the climate crisis.  Eating more plants instead of grain-fed, factory-farmed animals, Amazon cattle, lamb, and more definitely helps fight climate change, and if done organically with composting, can sequester carbon back in the soil. )( Plus, darn it, we have far more tastier dishes than imagined.

So come taste some. This event is open to all – as it is a Green “Neighbor” style event and it is Petworth Porchfest. So we’re sharing the news of this widely, putting flyers in some of our favorite haunts.  Friends and friends-of-friends are definitely welcome. Bring a dish or drinks (but not required.) Also, if you can, bring your own cutlery and plates. We’ll have stuff, but why not focus on reusable materials? 

We hope you can join us!  We’ll be using that SnoKone machine from DC’s Tool Library, along with the folding tables, compost bins, some veggie gardening books, and a solar oven.  Yay, Tool Library! (

Thank you friend and neighbor Jodi Kostelnik of The Neighborgoods ( for the graphics.  The flyer is attached if all of you want to pass it along.

Some of Max’s vegan dishes…from @MaxsMeatlessMondays on Instagram:

Stop by during Petworth Porchfest, or sit down and join us for longer!

Annette and Max

Green Neighbors DC,

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